Helping Your Child Become a Strong Reader
Did you know that children who read proficiently (on or above grade level) by 3rd grade are more likely to graduate high school?
Teaching reading is not just a "school" responsibility. As a community, it is everyone's role to help our children be strong readers.

Strategies for Young Readers
Check the picture. What do you think this story will be about?
Break the word into parts: fan - tas - tic
"Track" with your finger. Move finger under each word as you read it.
When reading a sentence, ask "Does this make sense?"
Reread the sentence. Try to read "smooth as butter."
When reading a difficult word, look for part of the word that you know. FUNny
When reading hard words, cover the ending of the word.
Reminders for Good Readers
PREDICT (preview) - What do you think will happen in the book? (Look at the title, cover, & pictures)
PICTURE IT (visualize) - Draw pictures in your mind as you read.
QUESTION -Ask who, what, where, when, why questions to decide if what you are reading makes sense.
CONNECT - Find ways to relate the text to yourself or the world around you.
IDENTIFY - What is the author's purpose?
SUMMARIZE - Draw conclusions about what you have read.
EVALUATE - Think about what you have read.
Resources & Reminders for Parents
READ to your children.
LET your child help you make the grocery list.
ASK your child to help you read labels, directions (environmental print).
ENCOURAGE your child to read out loud to you.
TRACK with your finger when you read to your child.
ASK your child questions about what you have read together.